Focus areas
Website WoundsAfrica
Our website is the main focus area of our work. Understandably it requires considerable resources to keep the site maintained and updated. Remember that we are continuously looking for readers who can contribute to this work by sending us material about their own cases and their own experiences with specific procedures and products. Remember, WoundsAfrica is for you and all colleagues in Africa- nothing is better than if the readers themselves contribute to this work. All contributions will be honored with your name/ workplace ( if you agree to this). If many contribute to this, we will also be able to establish an invaluable network of wound care health workers throughout the continent. Please also remember to obtain the patient's consent to use visual materials if they are to be published on the WoundsAfrcia website.

Education/ Workshops/ Congresses
WoundsAfrica can contribute with know-how and lectures to educational activities, be it workshops that go over several days or congresses on the African continent. The way this works is that you ( or another party) handle all the practical concerns of the arrangement ( locality, invitations, finances), and we can contribute to the educational content. As we are based in Europe, we can obviously not be available at any given time, and such activities should be planned at least six months ahead. Depending on the framework of the activity, we can sometimes contribute on a pro-bono basis but expect transportation and accommodation to be covered by the organizing party. Concerning international congresses, "down-to-earth" lecture fees will apply, but this can be negotiated individually, depending on the type of arrangement.

WoundsAfrica has the network and resources to aid in designing and carrying out wound care-related research projects. This will usually be done on a consultant basis. You can also quickly spread information about a research project you may want to embark on through our network. In most cases, it is far easier and more reliable to do a multi-site project with several collaborating research partners. We reserve the right to participate in any project and prioritize research projects that benefit patients living in areas with the least resources.

Product Development
WoundsAfrica offers advice and know-how to companies who wish to develop wound care products for the African market. This is done on a consultant basis. For example - we have previously been involved in the approval of wound care products concerning CE marking. We do not own any production facilities but can assist in all other phases of development- particularly from the initial idea phase to how to get the product on the market. The economic potential for wound care products in Africa is enormous. With over 1.2 billion people living in Africa and a high incidence of acute and chronic wounds, there is an extremely high demand for affordable wound care products. Again, we prioritize projects that design products that can be made available to most Africans - both in urban and rural areas.