What to do when you have no compression bandages available
Lack of access to compression bandages is a real challenge for wound care in Africa. Are there any cheap work-around solutions to this?
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What type of compression should you choose?
One of the biggest challenges in compression therapy is finding a solution the patient is willing to use. Remember that many patients have to use compression for the rest of their lives. Lack of compliance is very common here. In this chapter we present you with some of the considerations you have to make when choosing a compression treatment.
Velcro compression devices
Did you know that there are now alternatives to compression bandages and compression stockings which many patients find more comfortable? These velcro adhesive bandages are individually adjustable allowing for a maximum of patient comfort and often increasing compliance. Obviously these are not the cheapest alternative. If you are interested to know more about this option click here.
Medical compression stockings
Compression Stockings are mainly used in the management of venous insufficiency and lymphoedema when there are no ulcerations present. They represent an important treatment modality for the prevention of venous ulcers. In this chapter we answer the most common questions concerning compression hoisery