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Africas first Wound Care Training Center has opened in Tunis, Tunisia

Figure 1: In February 2023 the Tunisian Wound Care Asssociation in collaboration with Lohmann & Rauscher International opened Africa`s first Wound Care Centre in Tunisia. From left to right:  Dr Georg Votava (L&R), Mrs. Lydie Beassemda  (Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Chad), Prof. Rami Ben Salah (President of the association ATPC), Mr. Salim Bouzidi (L&R). Click on the image to get to the source document.  image copyright: Lohmann & Rauscher International. 

 Ali Mrabet, the Tunisian Minister of Health, opened the ceremony and testified to the importance of the project with his presence. He stated that this center meant a new era of improved wound care in Tunisia - for the sake of patients, doctors and other health care professionals.  Of the 200 guests invited to the ceremony, there were also representatives from other African countries like Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Congo, Algeria, Cameroun, Gambia, Mali and Niger.

We have not found a link to the official website of the center yet but will provide you with this shortly.  As far as we understand the centre will intitially  start with a pilot project intended for Tunisian health professionals and those from French-speaking Africa.  In the future, the center will hopefully provide courses in english for attendants from other African countries.  The training is primarily aimed at doctors but is also suitable for nurses and podiatrists. 

We are excited to follow the developments of this center and will keep you up to date with what is offered there.  It is a truly inspiring move to develop such a center on the African continent and we hope that other countries will follow suit and establish a similar offer elsewhere. 

The Wound Care Training Centre will be run by the Tunisian Wound Care Association (ATPC). If you would like to know more about the center and where to apply contact the ATPC via the link below.

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